Maria Czechowski
Maria Czechowski, OTR, RYT-500, AYS, owner of Lifepath Yoga Center LLC, is a registered occupational therapist with thirty years of clinical experience. Maria has been a lifelong practitioner of yoga. Upon sustaining injuries in an accident, she committed to a daily practice and experienced first-hand the profound healing benefits to mind, body, and spirit that yoga provides. Inspired to share these healing benefits with others, Maria became a yoga teacher, receiving her advanced 500-hr. yoga teacher certification through the Himalayan Institute, and registration through Yoga Alliance. Maria’s passion for learning natural healing practices led her to further her studies and receive certifications in the life science of ayurveda and the practices of yoga nidra and qigong/tai chi.
Maria is committed to living simply and authentically, incorporating Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga into her daily life. She lives on a country hilltop, surrounded by nature, where she enjoys taking care of her family’s miniature horses. Maria spends mindful time in forests; walking, and hiking.
Maria loves to share her knowledge of the life science of ayurveda so that the learner can gain valuable insight into themselves to enable self-healing. She brings warmth, compassion, and sensitivity to her yoga and tai chi classes, and gains great joy in witnessing the multitude of benefits her students gain from the practices.