Alex Mckeone
Alex is an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist and 500-hour registered yoga instructor trained in the tradition of the Himalayan Institute. In addition, she holds certifications in meditation and mindfulness, yin yoga, breathwork, and relaxation techniques. She completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training with Susi Amendola, National Director of Stress Management for the Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease. Susi, a former resident of the Himalayan Institute and student of the Institute’s founder, Swami Rama, introduced her to a traditional form of practice that profoundly transformed her life. Susi’s connection to and stories of her time at the ashram inspired Alex to make her own pilgrimage to the Himalayan Institute in 2018, where she immersed herself in studies of ayurveda, yogic texts, hatha yoga, and meditation under the guidance of Rolf Sovik, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Shari Friedrichsen, Judy Moulton, and others.
She has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2015 and is currently a resident and member of the Himalayan Institute’s wellness center staff. Over her 15+ years of study and practice, she has learned to cope with stress and anxiety, manage life-long digestive issues, and find peace and grounding, even in the midst of tumult and uncertainty. It is now her hope to share these practices with as many as she can and offer her experience as a guiding light to others on the path towards lasting peace, balance, and fulfillment.
Category: Faculty